Partner with us to seed transformative solutions for food and climate justice.

We’re activating communities through storytelling, narrative development, cultural foodways, community visioning, and collaborative art. Check out our range of offerings below.

Let’s work towards a world rooted in care for the land, water, and people that nourish us through cultural approaches to food justice. 


Our offerings are designed for groups in facilitated virtual or in-person spaces.

Story + Narrative Workshops

  • In a collaborative working session, participants orient to narrative change, then explore the characteristics of liberatory narratives vs. narratives that covertly reinforce the harmful systems we seek to change, and consider how to activate these narratives in our own food communities and ecosystems. 

    • For: Groups who want to make sure that their messaging aligns with the narrative change that they contribute to in the world. To clarify and center the values in changem-making. 

    • Examples: A service organization who want their messages to affirm the agency and creativity of the community they serve; an alliance or coalition who want to identify messages that speak to a plurality of their members; 

    • Time involved: one to two 2-hour sessions 

    • Fees: Narrative Workshops start at $700 we’ll work with you to design an offering that meets your needs

  • Clarify personal and/or professional stories to make sense of who we are and our responsibility to each other. Identify and lead with purpose and values that are most clarifying, energizing, and align with what we want to do. Connect the value of story to power building (SPP). 

    • For: Individuals or circles who want to clarify how to share their personal story in a way that catalyzes action and builds a Bigger We. 

    • Examples: A way to support emerging leaders to share their story in a way that invites others into their vision. Great for leadership cohorts and business incubators. 

    • Time involved: 1-2 sessions, 90-120min. each. 

    Fees: Story workshops start at $700, we’ll work with you to design an offering that meets your needs.

Community-Building Creative Practice Spaces

  • Stories connect us, clarify values, help us navigate, and build a Bigger We. 

    Story-circles offer a space to listen to community members, deepen relationships, and grow trust and social cohesion. 

    • For: A network or organization looking to build a sense of community around a shared place or purpose.

    • Examples: A neighborhood food sovereignty initiative seeking to engage neighborhood residents in a vision for what the neighborhood can grow together; A network gathering seeking to deepen relationships across nodes of the network; A public “panel” that centers the makers and creatives doing purposeful work in a given community. 

    • Time involved: Ninety minutes to three hours; can be offered as a series.

    Fees: Story circles start at $700, we’ll work with you to design an offering that meets your needs.

  • A guided process to tap into radical imagination, dream space, and our deepest wishes for the world that future generations will live in, with an emphasis on place, land, foodways, and community governance.

    • For: Groups ready imagine beyond the world we currently live in, to connect with and activate their creative power in their daily lives that align with a bold vision. 

    • Examples:

    • Time involved: 90 minutes to three hours

    Fees:  Visioning starts at $700, we’ll work with you to design an offering that meets your needs.

  • Transition from cultures of extraction to cultures of care in food, land, and climate spaces

    We’ll facilitate a playful and interactive space to share experiences, stories, and creative exercises that clarify how to align our actions with core values in embodied, creative ways. 

    • For: Groups of people looking to shift their culture, unlock pain points, and practice how to live into values and activate liberatory values in our work and relationships. 

    • Examples: 

    • Time involved: A series of three to six two-hour sessions. 

    Fees: Starting at $5,000, we can work with you to design an offering that meets your needs.

Generative Strategy Consulting

  • We’ll facilitate a process that generates a vision of the world that future generations will live in, 100 to 150 years forward, then work backward to map horizon lines that move towards the vision.

    • For: Organizations who want their current strategy to align with a transformative vision; networks who want to generate a multifaceted, distributed strategy that multiple groups can advance in distinct ways.

    • Examples: A community organization who desires a cultural or strategic reset; or a network at the beginning of a planning process that requires thinking about a long-term vision.

      • A series of four two-hour sessions 

    • Fees: Starting at $3900, we can work with you to design an offering that meets your needs. NOTE: The complexity of strategy processes vary greatly. More complex processes will require a larger facilitation team. Let’s talk to explore what you need! 

  • What do we mean by narrative strategy? What do we mean by community-based narrative strategy? Clarifying what values guide us, how those translate into narratives, work with their communities to highlight core values, share their narratives, and ensure that all aspects of a project reflect the narratives. A generative approach of surfacing narratives that reflect a community’s values. Build the narrative strategy with your community.

    • For: Organizations or networks seeking to generate transformative narrative change that reflects the communities you serve. 

    • Examples: A coalition of food organizers across a region who want to organize and activate around a shared set of values and narratives

    • Time involved: A series of four two-hour sessions 

    • Fees: Starting at $3900, we can work with you to design an offering that meets your needs.

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